percent positions in the civil service available immediately, even if qualified people were nor available,
and during 1960-1963, used their veto powers to bring the government to total paralysis (Stephens 168-
180). This, of course, led to the proposed thirteen Constitutional amendments by President Makarios and
the 1963-1964 crisis, the U.N. involvement, and the stagnation of the Cyprus
Frequently, the Turks claimed that the Greek Cypriots exploited the Turkish Cypriots. Robert Stephens
argues that "perhaps the biggest mistake the Greeks made was in their indifference to Turkish poverty"
(173). But is this argument correct? Did the Greek Cypriots really impoverish the Turkish Cypriots?
I believe that the Turkish Cypriot stagnation was a product of a combination of factors. The economic
blockade imposed by the Greek Cypriots against the Turkish Cypriots since August 1964 contributed to
their stagnation. However, the Turkish Cypriots were also responsible for this. Their leaders encouraged
them to buy only Turkish products, tried to create a separate economy without having the capabilities, an
tried to isolate themselves.
The U.N. Secretary-General took this viewpoint, at least to some extent, when he stated: "The Turkish
Cypriot policy of self-isolation has led the community in the opposite direction from normality. The
community leadership discourages the Turkish Cypriot population from engaging in personal,
commercial, or other contact with their Greek Cypriot compatriots, from applying to government offices
in administrative matters or from resettling in their home villages if they are refugees" (Loizos 19).
It can be argued, then, that the actions of both communities have contributed to further destabilization of
the Cyprus situation. They do not
trust each other, they are not willing or are unable to change their positions, and they react negatively to
the actions of the other community.
(Part 2 & References will appear in the second issue)
Song of my Lover
Sea, was my lover's song
War anchored itself in its deep blue
my lover,
dead soldier.
Wheat, was my lover's song
War put hand-cuffson its golden stare
my lover,
dead soldier.
Peace, was my lover's song
War divided its white smile into two
my lover,
dead soldier.
I hear my lover
dead soldier is singing
blue songs knocking our doors.
I hear it,
the ones who died in war
singing the best peace songs.
(My Lover, Dead Soldier, 1985)
Mehmet Yasin
A Great Day for Freedom , Pink Floyd
On the day the wall come down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a
cry for freedom had arrived
On the day the wall come down
The Ship of Fools had finally ran aground
Promises lit up the night
like paper doves in flight
I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth, not even pride remained
And eventhough you needed me
I was clear that I could not do
a thing for you
Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbors turn away
And there's a change, even
with regret can not be undone
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of grey
I woke to the sound of drums
The music played,
the morning sun streamed in
I turned and looked at you
And all but the bitter residues
` slipped away...slipped away