"The Future will be Formed by the Volunteers of Peace & Democracy"

Brief Background On this Declaration

The following declaration was prepared as a response to the unacceptable, unreall, unfair, inmoral declarations done by Turkish Cypriot Muchadit's association aiming at all Turkish Cypriot individuals, and groups who are working for improving peace & democracy in Cyprus. The translation was done by Turgut Durduran, and it is not completely satisfactory. Turkish Original is also included here.

Translation of The Declaration

As usual certain groups labeled the activities towards forming a joint democractic, long lasting Cyprus, as "destructive". The issues were deliberately distorted. However in reality every step towards peace , is a constructive attack towards getting away from the destructions of war.

The attacks against the peace & democracy workers (volunteers) that appeared in the media are neither the first ones, nor they will be the last ones.They are not suprising either.

The struggles of the groups who are working as paid slaves of the enemies of democracy & peace , instead of helping the best interests of their members and their community, will not succeed in reversing the process of peace & democracy in our island.

Our community which is accelerating through the process of self-destruction, can only get away from this by discussing all the issues of the existing realities, producing ways out to solve the problems, and by forming with complete unity of intelligence and emotions, the democratic and peaceful medium.

Keeping this ideas in our mind, we shall continue to put forward our realities. We shall support and encourage the communications and discussions between all democratic organisations, groups, parties etc. We shall not give up producing our solutions, and ideas.

We are calling all individuals and organisations who do not want the destruction of the Turkich Cypriot community to reject all forms of pressure, and continue their work in forming the future together.

(Note:I'll try my best to translate the names of the signing groups, I'll put the translations in paranthesis.)

 UTK (Universite Temsilciler Konseyi) 
 KTOS (Turkish Cypriot Teacher's Union)
 KTOEOS (Turkish Cypriot Mid-School Teachers' Union)
 DEV-IS (Revolutionary Workers Union)
 KTAMS (Turkish Cypriot Civil Servants Union)
 BASIN-SEN (Press Workers Union)
 DGH (Demokratik Genclik Hareketi) (Democratic Youth Movement)
 YGO (Yurtsever Genclik Orgutu) (Country-Loving Youth MOvement)
 KTMMOB (Turkish Cypriot Chambers of Architects & Engineers Union)
 TIP-IS (Medial Workers Union)
 HAS-DER (Social Art Club)
 DGD (Devrimci Genclik Dernegi) (Revolutionary Youth Club)
 GASAD (Guzelyurt Amator Sanatcilar Dernegi) (Morphou Amateur Artists Club)
 KSD (Kibris Sanat Dernegi) (Cyprus Art Club)
 GUSAD (???) 
 YKB (Yurtsever Kadinlar Birligi) (Country-Loving Women Organisation)
 K.T.Karikaturculer Dernegi (T/C Caricaturists (sp?) Organisation)
 K.T.Tabipler Birligi  (T/C Medical Doctors Organisation)
 Genclik Merkezi  (The Youth Center)
 K.T.Sanatci ve Yazarlar Birligi (T/C Artists & Writers Organisation)
 K.T.Iletisimciler Birligi  (T/C Communication Workets Organisation)
 Naci Talat Vakfi (Naci Talat Foundation)
 Serbest Calisan Hekimler Birligi (Independent Working Medical Doctors )
 Bagimsiz Genclik Platformu (Independent Youth Platform)
 Kadin Arastirmacilar Merkezi  (Women Researchers Center)
 Genclik Temas Grubu (YOUTH CONTACT GROUP)
 Yazin Emekcileri Dernegi (Writers as Workers  Association)
 Baris ve Federal Cozum Icin Insan Hareketi (People's Movement Towards
					     Peace & Federation in Cyprus)
 Genc Kibrisli Yurtseverler   (Country-Loving Cypriot Youth)
 CTP  (Republican Turkish Party)
 YKP  (New Cyprus Party)

Note: Communal Liberation PArty (TKP) also made an announcement condeming the actions of Turkish Cypriot Muchaid's organisation against democracy & peace workers

" Gelecegi Baris ve Demokrasi Gonulluleri Kuracak"

Turkish Original

Demokratik bir ortami el birligiyle kurmaya, kalici bir barisi gundeme getitmeye yonelik etkinlikler, her zaman oldugu gibi belli cevrelerce "yikici" olarak nitelendirilmistir. Gundem kasitli bir sekilde saptirilmaya calisilmistir. Oysa barisa yonelik atilan her adim , savasin yikiciligindan uzaklasmaya katki saglayan yapici bir girisimdir.

Son donemlerde baris ve demokrasi gonullulerine yonelik basinda yer alan saldirilar ne ilkti, ne de son olacak. Bu saldirilar bizler icin sasirtici da degildir. Uyelerinin ve toplumun cikarlarina hizmet etmek yerine, baris ve demokrasi dusmanlarinin odenekli masaligini surduren bu kesimlerin baris ve demokrasi surecini geriye dondurme cabalari sonucsuz kalacaktir.

Yok olus surecini gittikce hizlanan bir ivmeyle yasayan toplumumuz, bu sureci ancak varolan gercekligi tum boyutlariyla tartisip cikis yollari ureterek; demokratik, barisci bir ortami butun gerekleriyle olusturup akil ve yurek birligi saglayarak geri cevirebilir.

Bu inancimiz dogrultusunda, kendi gerceklerimizi ortaya koymaya devam edecegiz. Demokratik kurulus ve orgutlerin gorus alisverisinde bulunmasini saglayacak ve destekleyecegiz. Kendi gundemimizi olusturmaktan vazgecmeyecegiz.

Kibris Turk Toplumunun tarihe karismasini, yok olmasini istemeyen tum kisi ve orgutleri, hicbir baski karsisinda susmamaya, gelecegi hep birlikte kurmaya cagiriyoruz."

  UTK (Universite Temsilciler Konseyi)
  DGH (Demokratik Genclik Hareketi)
  YGO (Yurtsever Genclik Orgutu)
  DGD (Devrimci Genclik Dernegi)
  GASAD (Guzelyurt Amator Sanatcilar Dernegi)
  KSD (Kibris Sanat Dernegi)
  YKB (Yurtsever Kadinlar Birligi)
  K.T.Karikaturculer Dernegi
  K.T.Tabipler Birligi
  Genclik Merkezi
  K.T.Sanatci ve Yazarlar Birligi
  K.T.Iletisimciler Birligi
  Naci Talat Vakfi
  Serbest Calisan Hekimler Birligi
  Bagimsiz Genclik Platformu
  Kadin Arastirmacilar Merkezi 
  Genclik Temas Grubu
  Yazin Emekcileri Dernegi
  Baris ve Federal Cozum Icin Insan Hareketi
  Genc Kibrisli Yurtseverler

  Not: TKP de ayrica yaptigi bir aciklamayla K.T.Mucahitler Dernegi'nin 
  baris ve demokrasi'yi destekleyen kesimlere yaptigi haksiz suclamalari 