We are so close and yet so far away from each other

When you search for me I may not be seen, even if I am at an eye distance from you. Surprisingly I was in one of the caves when you entered with lighted torches in your hands, I was waiting for you there; silently and with no resistance:

-like a drop of frozen water,
a water-lily with its root in water and unseen,
a bird in deep thoughts standing on earth,
a never ending midnight-

I became unnoticed and I wonder if this is my fate
and my face, appears and disappears again with your flooding light
like the sun sets itself free but soon arrested by clouds again
-like an arrow looking for its bow, the moss waiting for water, a sailboat waiting for a wind, a firefly unnoticed in the dawn-
how too close we are and yet too far from each other!
"we swim in the same rivers and yet they are different rivers. It is us and yet not us " *

Translation: M. Kansu / S. Arifler

* Herakleitos