Synanthsh K.E me Ypoyrgo Paideias kai Politismoy

Th Deytera 10 Ioynioy, treis ekproswpoi toy DS toy Kentroy episkefthkan thn Ypoyrgo Paideias kai Politismoy ka Klairh Aggelidoy. H synanthsh eixe skopo thn enhmerwsh ths k. Aggelidoy gia to ergo toy K.Eirhnhs, kaqws kai thn ejasfalish yposthrijhs apo to Ypoyrgeio ths gia diafora dikoinotika politistika programmata .

H synanthsh eixe poly qetika apotelesmata. H ka Aggelidoy edeije endiaferon gia to ergo toy kentroy Eirhnhs kai yposxeqhke kaqe yposthrijh kai bohqeia po to Ypoyrgeio ths gia th diorganwsh dikoinotikwn politistikwn ekdhlwsewn .

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