Peace Festivals | ||
On Sunday 26th of March 2000 four bi-communal teenage youth groups organised a very succesfull festival that took place in the park area in Pergamos. More than 1000 persons attended, mostly young people from both communities. Festivities included singing by the bi-communal choir, dancing by Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot folklore groups, modern music by a bi-communal band, poetry reading by teenagers as well as other events. Festival of Mutual Understanding: More than 5,000 Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots of all ages and backgrounds gathered on Sunday 10 Sept 2000 at Ledra Palace hotel in the buffer zone to send the message that the two communities of Cyprus can and should live together. Bi-Communal Youth Festival of Traditional Games and Modern Music on Sunday the 30th of Sept 2000 at Pergamos Park. On October 15, 2000, the United Nations Force in Cyprus held several events at the Ledra Palace Hotel to celebrate the 55th "birthday" of the United Nations. Theevent was attended by thousands of Cypriots from both sides of the island, forming yet another opportunity for old friends to see each other and new friendships to be formed. related projects: | ||